Geschrieben am 06.01.2012 von admin — Keine Kommentare ↓ Segway – awesome indeed. Did I turn my boyfriend into a vampire? Just my inbox from tonight Twitter schlägt zurück Erster Tag Asiaten – finde die Unterschiede Fahrschule in 1940 Testosteronüberschuss beim Designer Happy Valentine’s Day from Google Captain Cat is ready to take off. Just trees. Sexy, tempting trees. Can I get my favorite? Reaktion meiner Freunde Spongebob or just boobs? True meanings Bed Snail Life hack: Anti-chaos-cable That’s my dog Want? Of course you do! So I heard you’r getting a new domain.. Apple reveals new product: iShit I heard you like rage faces Beautiful place The truth about Airline Guidelines Tomorrow.. now I get it Some of the worlds most beautiful places Do not challenge the kitty! Wanted: Schroedingers Cat 10 things I will do some day Orangen Teelicht Streetfighter in Real Life Ah good sir, I do believe I have shat in my pantalons Amazing hotel The undeniable truh about men & women This hamster thinks this is a great idea! And then I said you can leave the meat out I’ll watch it Just some women-facts.. Inspiring Die Financial Times Deutschland und der Mubarak Fail Hurricane Sandy – the real story Oppan Algebra Style Every time I see someone with Google Glasses, I’m going up to them and scream „GOOGLE GLASSES: IMAGE SEARCH – HORSE FUCK. SAFE SEARCH OFF. OPEN FIRST 50 RESULTS IN NEW TABS…“ Papst Jorge: Spanisch wird neue Amtssprache im Vatikan Thumbs up!